Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Biological Weapons Movie

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Global solutions

1. Educate the world about Biological Weapons and their dangers.
2. Help countries come to peace and come to peace.
3.Find vaccines incase of an attack.

Local Solutions

1. Help raise awareness of biological weapons and their dangers
2. Write to your Senator.
Senator Judd Gregg
393 Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3324

3.Keep up to date with vaccines and shots.
4. Know how to prepare and how to act in the event of a biological attack.
5. Educate kids about biological weapons.

Book summaries

Book #1
Deadly Cultures: Biological Weapons Since 1945
By Mark Wheelis
January 30, 2006
Obtained: May 14, 2007
This book goes through all biological weapons since 1945. It tells of institutes where research took place and goes into much detail on possible agents, and countries where the programs took place. The book was written by internationally-acclaimed scientists and researchers.

Book #2
Biological Weapons: From the Invention of State-sponsored Programs to Contemporary Bioterrorism
By Jeanne Guillemin
March 30, 2006
Obtained: May 14, 2007
This book focuses on specific outbreaks in countries such as Russia’s 1979 outbreak of anthrax and tells of how countries that have disbanded their programs have just kept stockpiles of the weapons lying around. An example is Russia, whose stockpile is lying around and is now available to terrorists around the globe.

Book #3
Biological Weapons Defense: Infectious Disease and Counterbioterrorism
By Luther E. Lindler, Frank J. Lebeda, George Korsch
December 10, 2004
Obtained: May 15, 2007
This book goes into detail about the different agents that have the potential to be used as biological weapons. It tells of the agents could be made to be delivered and the likelihood of this happening.

Website summaries

Website #1
Introduction to Biological Weapons
By Federation of American Scientists
Obtained: May 7, 2007

This site basically explains biological weapons, what they are, when they have been used, how they are used and the lethality of some agents. It gives an overview of biological weapons.

Website #2
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
By US Department of State
Obtained: May 10, 2007

This website gives a review of protocols that go against biological and chemical weapons since the end of World War I. It outlines all major treaties among nations and gives the text of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.

Website #3
Biological Weapons: Biological Warfare
By CBC News Online
February 18. 2004
Obtained: May 10, 2007

This news article gives details on the use of biological weapons, what they are, who first used them, how they work and the availability of these weapons. The article also displays a chart which shows different types of biological weapons and the lethality of those.

Website #4
Biological Warfare and It’s Cutaneous Manifestations
By Thomas W. McGovern, George W. Christopher
Obtained: May 10, 2007

This article gives a very detailed look at biological weapons. It goes into detail about where they have been used, how they were used and goes into modern talk. It assesses how easy it would be to acquire biological weapons, how much of a threat they are to us today, and also assesses how damaging an attack could be. It shows pictures and describes many different types of possible agents.

Website #5
BioTerrorism: What You Need to Know
By American Academy of Family Physicians
November 2001
Obtained: May 10, 2007

This article tells what bioterrorism is and answers questions people may have after September 11. It gives answer to questions such as, what is a biological weapon, how can I be prepared, how big is the threat, and are biological agents contagious.

Website #6

History of Biological Warfare:
By Gulf War Vets
Publishing Date Unavailable
Obtained: May 10, 2007
This site gives a timeline of when biological weapons were used, who used them, developments in laboratories, and went certain treaties concerning biological weapons went into effect.

Website #7
Biological Warfare
By Daniel J Dire
October 5, 2005
Obtained: May 10, 2007
This website gives a detailed explanation of biological weapons. It goes into detail about what they are, how they are used and detected and different usable agents.

Website #8
The Sunshine Project
By The Sunshine Group
Obtained: May 14, 2007
This is a website that is dedicated to stopping the use of biological weapons, whether it is used in warfare or crop eradication. The site gives information on what a biological weapon is and what they are doing to stop the use of them.

Website #9
Behind the Mask: Biological Warfare in the Soviet Union
By Dr. Ken Alibek
Obtained: May 14, 2007
This article gives the history behind the biological warfare study in the Soviet Union
in contrast with the USA. The man writing it was actually part of the Soviet Union
and tells of how the country went around certain restrictions that had been placed
on it by the UN.

Website #10
Biological Weapons
By Federation of American Scientists
October 19, 1998
Obtained: May 14, 2007

Podcast summary

Life in the Future
By Ray Kurzweil
December 23, 2005
Obtained: May 14, 2007
The Podcast discusses new technologies and the effects of it on just about everything.

video summaries

Video #1
20th Century with Mike Wallace: Insidious Killers: Chemical and Biological Weapons
Hosted by Mike Wallace
CBS News
Obtained: May 14, 2007
This video gives information on chemical and biological weapons. It tells of when they were used, how they were used, who used them, and what agents can be used.

Video #2
Avoiding Armageddon: Our Future, Our Choice
Ted Turner Documentaries
Obtained: May 14, 2007
This video goes over the history of biological weapons in mainly the USA and Russia. It discusses information passed to other countries and tests conducted on unsuspecting civilians.

Video #3
Lance Entertainment
Obtained: May 14, 2007
This movie is a fiction with the main character finding himself caught up at a company that is developing some type of new super weapon.